Back in 2009, I worked as Art Director on a MMORPG project for an independant French company: the project got canceled pretty quickly but I had to wait quite a long time, before posting the following concepts aiming to give the visual instructions for a RPG in isometrical view.
You can see more in my website in the concept art section. Cheers, hope you like these !
CLICK the pictures for full size
Incroyable! Les couleurs et les textures sont parfaites!
I love, love, love the robot.
Hey, Manu !
Superbe update, beaucoup de caractère. Dommage que le projet soit tombé à l'eau. Tes images donnent envie !
et c'était super de te revoir ! ;)
these are great! thanks for sharing
They kinda look good, but I still can't figure it out what's gonna be the storyline like with this RPG or so.
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Jesus, another amazing-looking game that got cancelled :(
Jesus, another awesome-looking game got cancelled. Can you tell what was reason for cancelling?
Mr. Emmanuel it is Paulo from the snakes tattoo,I have benn looking for you for months!
You said you were availiable,if yes contact me! I sent you all the detail bout the new design.
Sorry for bothering,and thanks a lot!
This is beyond awesome. I would spend DAYS behind your shoulder watching you working
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